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Causes of homelessness

Understanding homelessness in Victoria

The causes of homelessness are often misunderstood. A chronic shortage of social housing, an increasingly unaffordable private rental market, and inadequate income support means that thousands of Australians struggle to find a secure and affordable place to live.

In Victoria, the top three reasons for people seeking homelessness and housing assistance are financial difficulties, family and domestic violence, and the housing crisis.

Homelessness and housing affordability

People with low income are less likely to find suitable and affordable housing, and more likely to experience homelessness.

Homelessness and eviction

Factsheet coming soon…

Homelessness and poverty

Factsheet coming soon…

Homelessness and family violence

Domestic and family violence is the leading cause of homelessness for women and children.

Dive deeper into the issues

Learn more about the drivers of homelessness – and what can be done to help end it – with Parity magazine.

Read articles from sector leaders, advocates, scholars, and service providers about how we can understand and address homelessness in Victoria and worldwide.

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