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Beth Thomson Lifetime Achievement Award 2023

Beth Thomson Lifetime Achievement Award 2023

This award will recognise an individual who, over the course of their career, has demonstrated commitment and leadership in the provision of effective and empowering responses to homelessness in Victoria.

Beth Thomson worked in the community sector for more than 30 years. Over this time Beth worked in a diverse range of organisations and projects related to homelessness including the innovative youth housing project ‘Chain’ in the 1980’s through to Wombat Housing & Support Services where she was CEO from 1995 through to 2008.

Beth was an inspirational leader in the broader homelessness service sector where she was well known and respected by her peers and the many government departments and bureaucrats she worked with over the years. Beth held strong views and was very forthright in presenting them; she was a strong advocate for marginalized people over her entire working life. Beth was renowned for her fearless yet strategic advocacy in countless working groups, steering committees, committees of management, boards and networks from the late 1970s through to 2008.

Beth was always open to new ideas and strove to provide services which were not only transparent and accountable but where people were treated with dignity and respect. Beth is fondly remembered for her warmth and humor.

This award will be judged against the following criteria:

  • Leadership in creating effective responses to homelessness
  • Creation of meaningful relationships which have contributed to preventing and ending homelessness
  • Exceptional practice in responding to the individual needs of consumers
  • Exceptional practice developing and embracing innovative service delivery and advocacy strategies

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Nominations close at 9am Monday 9 October. If you would like more information on the awards, please contact Damien Patterson, Policy and Advocacy Officer at damien@chp.org.au

Name of nominator (you)
Name of nominator (you)
Name of nominee
Name of nominee
Has this person been recognised with other awards?
Endorsing CEO or Chair
Endorsing CEO or Chair
Name of reference 1
Name of reference 1
Name of reference 2
Name of reference 2
The nominee has agreed to be nominated for a Victorian Homelessness Achievement Award. They agree that the Council to Homeless Persons or its agents may use the information provided in this form to assess nominations for the awards and for publicity purposes associated with the awards. They consent to the Council to Homeless Persons or its agents contacting the people named in this form and seeking comment from them regarding this nomination. They acknowledge that the Council to Homeless Persons will store this information securely.
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Victorian Homelessness Conference

The Victorian Homelessness Achievement Awards are announced at the Victorian Homelessness Conference.

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