The translation of research and evaluation findings into practice is critical to improving
outcomes for consumers of specialist homelessness sector (SHS) services.
Goal actions
Actions relating to this goal include:
Develop a platform or mechanism to effectively share data analysis, key research findings and evaluation evidence about “what works” within the SHS.
Assist SHS staff to build capacity and capability in the use of research and evaluation to inform practice development.
Goal deliverables
Deliverable relating to this goal include:
Identify key research and evaluation for dissemination.
Support SHS workforce to make better use of SHIP and other data to inform their work.
Goal progress
Progress relating to this goal includes:
CHP routinely identifies key research and evaluation and incorporates it where relevant into training it delivers. However there is a need to determine the best method to disseminate and promote this material.
CHP plays an ongoing role in supporting SHS workers to better use SHIP and other data (e.g., data training, an element of the two-day Introduction to Homelessness training, convening and supporting SHIP Champions)
AIHW releases annual data reports for all states. In addition it also releases specific reports, such as the recent couch surfers report. CHP shares this data with the sector (through eNews and media) and works to build the sector capacity in relation to the data, for example by incorporating into capacity building activities,
To support the routine availability of SHIP data to worker, team, program, services and LASN level CHP has negotiated with DHHS to display the LASN reports on the CHP website.
Using data from AIHW CHP has produced two spatial maps for Victoria, which look at the number of people accessing services at both the LGA and Victorian LASN levels. Both maps provides detail about the gender, age range and housing situation (homeless or at risk) when a person presented for a service.
SHIP Champions continue to meet regularly and have a focus on this priority goal. SHIP Champions will look for opportunities to support sector engagement with the HDC data, for example, facilitating analysis of HDC data at LASNs and/or their organisation,
CHP member of AIHW’s housing and homelessness dashboard expert advisory group will inform design of the key data sets released by AIHW.