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Our values and policies

Principles that guide our work

Our vision

An end to homelessness in Victoria.

Our purpose

Council to Homeless Persons is the peak Victorian body representing organisations and individuals with a commitment to ending homelessness.

We work to achieve this purpose through providing leadership in policy development, advocacy, capacity building and working in partnership with people who are or who have been without a home.

Guiding principles

We believe that homelessness is unacceptable, avoidable, and within our reach to resolve.

All of our work is driven by principles that give focus to this belief, and we prioritise our work to where it can have the most impact. We will:

provide leadership in preventing and ending homelessness by developing, supporting and promoting evidence-based research, policy and practice

maximise effective consumer engagement in the development of homelessness policy and practice development

build the capacity of CHP members, and the homelessness and broader service sectors to achieve the best outcomes for people who experience homelessness

influence as strategically and effectively as possible to achieve our mission

galvanise cross-sector collaboration to strengthen a shared commitment to ending homelessness.

Our commitment to reconciliation

Our vision for reconciliation is an Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures across the country are valued and respected. Housing instability and homelessness are an ongoing barrier to reconciliation. Discover the steps Council to Homeless Persons is taking to support reconciliation.

Our values in action

Learn more about our values and how they are applied across all our work.

Policies and procedures

We are committed to upholding the rights and privacy of people who engage with Council to Homeless Persons in any capacity, and have a range of policies and procedures to reinforce these values.

Click below to download a CHP policy and procedure document.

Would you like to make a complaint about CHP?

Learn how to make a complaint about a CHP service or interaction. This guidance should be read alongside the CHP complaints procedure.

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