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Data and demographics

Homelessness facts, stats, and insights


At the last Census, 30,660 Victorians were without a home – that’s 27 per cent of Australia’s total (112,494).

The most recent data on homelessness from the Australian Bureau of Statistics was collected at the 2021 Census and was published in 2023.

Data is regularly released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) to provide an up-to-date picture of homelessness in Victoria and Australia.

The latest data on homelessness


The top three reasons for people seeking homelessness assistance in Victoria are:

financial difficulties (46%)

family and domestic violence (44%)

housing crisis (34%)

AIHW Specialist homelessness services 2021–22: Victoria


Homelessness can happen to anyone, but it can impact people in different ways.

Browse the demographics below for more information and data on each group, including models for prevention and support.

Children and homelessness

Factsheet coming soon…

Young people and homelessness

Factsheet coming soon…

Older people and homelessness

Factsheet coming soon…

Women and homelessness

What is driving homelessness among women and what can be done?

Men and homelessness

Factsheet coming soon…

LGBTIQ+ people and homelessness

Factsheet coming soon…

People with disability and homelessness

Factsheet coming soon…

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and homelessness

Current challenges and future directions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and homelessness.

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