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Council to Homeless Persons backs $1b Victorian social housing commitment


Council to Homeless Persons has welcomed the Victorian Government’s commitment to spending $1 billion on regional social housing.

Premier Daniel Andrews today confirmed at least 1300 social and affordable housing properties would be built in regional communities across the state.

With the 2026 Commonwealth Games cancelled, the housing will be delivered in areas beyond the four hubs which were to be used for the event.

Council to Homeless Persons CEO Deborah Di Natale welcomed the social housing commitment.

“The Andrews Government has been clear about the social housing legacy it was intending to deliver from the Commonwealth Games,” Ms Di Natale said.

“With the Games no longer going ahead, it was absolutely critical a commitment to build regional social housing remained on the table.

“Regional rents have gone through the roof while vacancy rates have remained very low. That’s a perfect storm pushing more people into homelessness.

“This is a statewide crisis so it’s really important to see the new social housing commitment extend beyond the four regional hubs that would have hosted the Games.

“Building at least 1300 social and affordable housing properties will have enormous social and economic benefits for regional Victoria.

“We can supercharge those gains with a commitment to building at least 6000 public and community homes every year.

“Ending homelessness and fixing the housing crisis hinges on a commitment of that magnitude.”

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