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Parity launch: Gender and Homelessness

  • Friday 22 September
    11.00am to 1.30pm


Join us in person or via Zoom for the Launch of the August Edition of Parity Magazine: Gender and Homelessness.

Introduction and welcome

Deborah Di Natale, CEO Council to Homeless Persons

Helen Conway, President YWCA Australia

Official Launch

August Edition Parity Magazine: Gender and Homelessness

Dr. Todd Fernando, Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities

Learning from Lived Experience

Facilitator: Morgan Cataldo

Lived experience panellists from a range of services and organisations.

Key learnings: Housing insecurity and homelessness for women and gender diverse people – local and global contexts.


Dr Juliet Watson, RMIT University and Guest Editor

Assistant Professor Jayne Malenfant, Concordia University and Guest Editor

Panel Discussion: Where to from here? Designing policy and service responses to homelessness with a gendered lens.

  • Facilitator: Kate Colvin, CEO Homelessness Australia
  • Anna Paris, General Manager Service Delivery – YWCA Australia
  • Tanya Corrie, CEO – Juno Housing
  • Tania Farha, CEO – Safe and Equal
  • Elliot McMahon, Drummond Street Queerspace

Conclusion and Thank You

Followed by a Light Lunch/Networking.


To register and find out more, visit the Eventbrite page.