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Parity Launch: Youth Homelessness Matters Day edition

  • Wednesday 17 April
    10.00am to 1.00pm


Launch of Parity’s April, Youth Homelessness Matters Day edition: “Going it Alone: Unaccompanied Child and Youth Homelessness – Pathways into and out of Homelessness”. Program includes keynote speakers, learning from lived experience and a moderated panel discussion.

Featuring: Deborah Di Natale (CEO, Council to Homeless Persons); The Hon. Josh Burns MP; Vicki Sutton (CEO, Melbourne City Mission); Trish Connolly (Guest Editor); Simon Newport (CEO, Homes Victoria) (TBC); Kate Colvin (CEO, Homelessness Australia); Shorna Moore (Head of Policy, Advocacy & Government Relations, MCM); Wayne Merritt (CEO, WAYSS); Donna Bennett (CEO, Hope Street Youth & Family Services); Mitchell Burney (General Manager – Youth & Housing Supports, Quantum Support Services); Stephen Nash (CEO, Kids Under Cover).

Please RSVP to register your attendance. 


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