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Council to Homeless Persons welcomes $67.5 million federal funding decision


Council to Homeless Persons has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to guarantee $67.5 million will be renewed.

The $67.5 million is federal funding for the Equal Remuneration Order (ERO) supplementation for homelessness services, which covers wage costs and was due to end in June 2023.

Housing Minister Julie Collins on Friday confirmed the funding would continue.

Council to Homeless Persons CEO Deborah Di Natale said the Federal Government had made the right call.

“This is a welcome decision which ensures about 200 homelessness support staff will be able to continue their invaluable work in Victoria,” she said.

“The continuation of this federal funding means $23.5 million will go towards Victorian homelessness workers’ wages.

“That’s absolutely crucial funding at a time when official Census data shows homelessness in Victoria rose 24 per cent over the past five years.

“More than 30,600 people are homeless in Victoria – it’s never been more important to have strong support services in place.

“This decision means that services can provide life-changing support that allows people to find homes, support families and build their lives free from violence,

“We congratulate Minister Collins for listening to the voices of this female-dominated workforce which is overwhelmingly on modest incomes.

“This decision will help workers assist thousands of Victorians who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of doing so.”

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