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Ministerial Homelessness Reform Advisory Group – Communique December


Victoria’s new Ministerial Homelessness Reform Advisory Group (MHRAG) is an ongoing forum for the Specialist Homelessness Sector and people with lived experience of homelessness to collaborate with the Government to shape system reform, strengthen sector capacity and capability, and guide best practice evidence-based approaches to make homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.

The MHRAG includes representation from metro and regional SHS organisations as well as the Homelessness Lived Experience Reference Group. It’s co-chaired by the Hon. Harriet Shing, Minister for Housing, and Council to Homeless Persons CEO Deborah Di Natale, and meets quarterly.

Following its meeting in December 2024, the MHRAG has released a Communique to update the sector on its work.

You can read the full Communique here.

Welcoming new members

The MHRAG welcomed two new members at the December meeting. Stephen Nash, CEO of Kids Under Cover, and Michelle Thompson, CEO of Family Access Network, attended their first meeting of the Advisory Group.

The Advisory Group welcomed their vital expertise in supporting young people, families and LGBTIQA+ Victorians who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Towards a culturally safe homelessness system

Darren Smith, CEO of Aboriginal Housing Victoria, provided an update and shared feedback from the Aboriginal community on progress to build a culturally safe homelessness system. Key focus areas include strengthening relationships between mainstream and Aboriginal providers, improving service accessibility, maintaining transparency of resource allocation and increasing accountability for cultural safety.

Reform of the homelessness system

The MHRAG is focusing on four key reform areas:

  • An Aboriginal self-determined homelessness system
  • Modern service models for rough sleepers and chronic homelessness
  • System leadership and coordination that is responsive to local needs
  • Prioritising different needs, including modernising the Opening Doors Framework

These discussions will continue in 2025.

Report into Specialist Homelessness Workforce

The MHRAG acknowledged workforce pressures highlighted in a recent report and collectively recognised the dedication of frontline workers and the need for ongoing sector support.

Next steps

An all-day workshop in early 2025 will further discussions on reform directions. The Advisory Group discussed the importance of having an intentional focus across the mainstream homelessness system to address the overrepresentation of Aboriginal peoples experiencing homelessness and improve cultural safety.

Read the full Communique.

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