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Members Spotlight: Leonie from Beyond Housing


Throughout 2024, CHP has been celebrating the achievements of our members through a regular Member Spotlight feature, over on our socials and in eNews. But starting with this installment, we thought we’d share the love on our website too.

For this Members Spotlight, we say a huge thankyou and congratulations to Leonie from Beyond Housing, who has been nominated by Beyond’s Communications Consultant, Sue Masters. Sue tells us:

“Leonie’s dedication and care for her clients have consistently gone above and beyond theexpectations of her role at Beyond Housing. Her remarkable empathy and compassion shone through as she navigated the many challenges faced by her client, MJ.

Initially served by another team member through the Flood Recovery program, MJ came under Leonie’s care from January 2024 onwards. Describing MJ’s challenges as extensive is an understatement; he faced health, emotional, social, and financial difficulties.

Leonie embraced these challenges, recognising that MJ needed much more than just a roof over his head. Her persistent and determined approach led her to engage with multiple agencies. Despite setbacks and disappointments, Leonie remained professional and composed, embodying the resilience of a platypus—constantly seeking new solutions when faced with obstacles.

“Leonie’s support and determination have been a beacon of hope for MJ,” said a colleague. “She never gave up, no matter how many doors were closed.”

Leonie truly lived Beyond Housing’s core values of advocacy and fairness. She tirelessly fought for MJ, providing unwavering support and leveraging the system to connect him with the necessary help.

Thanks to her efforts, MJ now has regular medical appointments and receives the care and medication he desperately needs. Leonie is also working diligently to resolve his financial issues, including addressing his bans from local branches of a financial institution and striving to reconnect him with additional support services.

“Her compassion and relentless drive are truly inspiring. Leonie made it clear that she was not going to let MJ fall through the cracks,” said Chief Operations Officer Penny Hargrave.

Leonie’s refusal to accept “no” for an answer exemplifies her commitment. She questioned, prodded, researched, and collaborated with colleagues both within and outside of Beyond Housing. In short, Leonie was determined not to let MJ down.

“I’ve never seen anyone fight so hard for another person. Leonie’s dedication is a testament to the impact one person can make,” added a fellow team member.”

Amazing work, Leonie!

If you have a team, individual practitioner or a program that’s achieving something special, drop a line to Lucas Testro, our Manager – Storytelling & Engagement. Tell us a bit about what they’re doing and include a photo for us to share. They might just be our next Member Spotlight!

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