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Response to the Review into the Future Directions of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity (Emergency Relief)


If homelessness represents a failure of our social safety net, then emergency and food relief may be considered the last opportunity for successful preventative intervention. Where these services fail to support a person in crisis, the result can often be homelessness within a very short time span.

In this response, Council to Homeless Persons focuses largely on emergency relief under the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity. This, along with Food Relief programs are essential components of the homelessness service system, and the exclusion of Food Relief from our response stems simply from the fact that no proposals for reform are detailed in the DSS discussion paper ‘Future Directions of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity’ (the discussion paper).

It should be noted however, that other programs under this activity such as No Interest Loans Schemes, and financial counselling are also of critical importance in supporting those experiencing, exiting, or seeking to prevent homelessness.

Please note, this publication was published prior to CHP’s branding refresh in 2022.

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