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Submission to Infrastructure Victoria’s Laying the Foundations paper


Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to Infrastructure Victoria’s Laying the Foundations paper.

We support the breadth of the objectives expressed in the paper, and particularly welcome the inclusion of objectives that draw attention to the importance of addressing: disadvantage; creating healthy, safe and vibrant communities, enabling workforce participation; and enhancing productivity. Each of these in their own way is critical to addressing homelessness, which is the core focus of the Council to Homeless

However in order to achieve these objectives, far greater attention needs to be paid to addressing the crisis of housing affordability, currently experienced in Victoria by low and middle income households. While housing is mentioned in the list of needs in relation to addressing disadvantage, it is also critical to creating healthy, safe and vibrant communities, enabling workforce participation; and enhancing productivity.

Please note, this publication was published prior to CHP’s branding refresh in 2022.

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