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Back editions of Parity magazine are available to order, spanning from 2003 to today.

On this page, browse a list of topics from previous years that are available as back editions and use the form to order a back copy (or back copies).

Parity editions by year


March: Safe at home

April: Youth Homelessness – Towards a new National Youth Homelessness Plan

May: Beyond the Capitals: The role of community housing in responding to homelessness and housing stress in regional, rural and remote Australia

June: Reforming residential tenancies

July: Where to now? Responding to rough sleeping post-Covid

August: Gender and homelessness

September: Housing First – From theory to practice

October: Poverty and homelessness

November: The future of Youth Foyers

December: Climate change and homelessness


March: Homelessness and Social Work

April: Homelessness and Young People: Support during troubled times

May: “Holding the Line” – the Salvation Army Response to Homelessness

June: Education and Homelessness

July: Pregnancy and Homelessness

August: Working Together – the future of South Australian homelessness and domestic violence services

September: The Victorian response to homelessness

October: Towards a new National Housing and Homelessness Plan

November: The role of information technology in responding to homelessness

December: Homelessness and the law revisited


February: The Future of Leaving Care

March: Reforming Boarding and Rooming Houses

April: The Future of Youth Housing

May: Responding to Homelessness in the Capital Cities

June: Where to Now for Social Housing?

July: Learning from Lived Experience

August: Preventing Homelessness Deaths

October: Rethinking Early Intervention

November: Understanding and Responding to Indigenous Homelessness

December: Ending Homelessness in Western Australia


February: Victorian Homelessness Conference

March: Frontline Responses to Health and Homelessness

April: New Developments and Initiatives in the Response to Youth Homelessness

May: Mental Health, Housing and Homelessness

June: COVID-19 and Renting

July: Meeting the Needs of Homeless Veterans

August: Supporting and Sustaining Tenancies in Community Housing

September: Implementing the Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence

October: Homelessness and Older Women

November: Responding to Homelessness Under COVID-19


March: The Future of Crisis Accommodation

April: Comparing and Contrasting Inner City, Outer Suburban and Regional Youth Homelessness

May: Homelessness, Diversity and Inclusion

June: Criminalising Homelessness

July: Homelessness and Overcrowding

August: Homelessness, Death and Dying

September: New Directions in Homelessness Research

October: Preventing and Sustaining Exits from Youth Homelessness in Canada

November: Tasmania’s Search for Home

December: The Future of Aboriginal and Maori Housing


March: The Future of Women’s Refuges

April: Young People, Trauma and Homelessness

May: Revisiting Rough Sleeping

June: Responding to Older Persons Homelessness

July: Workforce Development in the Homelessness and Social Housing Sector

August: Substance Dependency and Homelessness

September: Marginal Housing

October: Mental Health, Disability and Homelessness

November: Responding to Homelessness in the ACT

December: Housing First


March: Post-Release and Homelessness

April: Young People Experiencing and Responding to Homelessness

May: Revisiting Homelessness Data

June: The NDIS, Housing and Homelessness

July: Poverty and Homelessness

August: The Future of National Homelessness Policy

September: Current Issues in Housing Tenure

October: Responding to Homelessness in Aotearoa New Zealand

November: Responding to Homelessness in Queensland

December: Victorian Homelessness Conference


February: The Role of Homelessness Outreach

March: Responding to Regional and Rural Homelessness

April: Responding to Young People at Risk of Homelessness

May: Homelessness Violence

June: Private Rental and Homelessness

July: The Challenge of Responding to Elderly Homelessness

August: New Responses to Family Homelessness

October: The Role of Community Housing in Responding to Homelessness

November: Homelessness in South Australia

December: Victorian Homelessness Conference


February: The Role of Homelessness Outreach

March: Responding to Regional and Rural Homelessness

April: Responding to Young People at Risk of Homelessness

May: Homelessness Violence

June: Private Rental and Homelessness

July: The Challenge of Responding to Elderly Homelessness

August: New Responses to Family Homelessness

October: The Role of Community Housing in Responding to Homelessness

November: Homelessness in South Australia

December: Victorian Homelessness Conference


February: Innovation in Mental Health and Homelessness

March: Foyers and Families: Housing Approaches to Support Children and Young People

April: Case Management and Homelessness

May: Housing Insecurity and Homelessness

June: Housing, Homelessness and Disability

July: Education, Employment, Recreation and Volunteering

August: A New Approach to Ending Homelessness

September: National Homelessness Conference

October: Homeless and the Law

November: Asylum Seekers and Homelessness


February: Health and Homelessness Revisited

March: Women and Children Escaping Domestic Violence

April: Young People, Mental Health and Homelessness

May: Policy, Program and Service Responses to Aboriginal Homelessness

June: Victorian Homelessness Conference Edition

July: Public and Community Housing

August: Preventing Homelessness

September: Reforming Homelessness Services

October: Local Government and Homelessness

November: New Directions in Understanding Homelessness


April: Philanthropic, Corporate and Private Sector Responses to Homelessness

May: Policing Homelessness

June: New Responses to Youth Homelessness

July: Client and Consumer Participation in the Response to Homelessness

August: Ending Long-Term Homelessness

September: National Homelessness Conference Edition

October: Models of Service Integration

November: National Partnership Agreements

December: Homelessness and Western Australia


February: Street to Home

March: Homelessness and Children

April: Housing Stress and Homelessness

May: Homelessness and Pets

June: Preventing Elderly Homelessness

July: Centrelink and Homelessness

August: Evaluating Homelessness Programs

September: Responding to the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children

October: Homelessness Research

November: Homelessness in Tasmania


February: ABI and Homelessness

March: The White Paper 12 Months On

April: Young People and Hidden Homelessness

May: Homelessness and Social Inclusion

July: Leaving Care and Homelessness

August: Homelessness in Queensland

September: National Homelessness Conference Edition

October: Integrating the Response to Homelessness

November: Homelessness and Dispossession

December: Women and Homelessness


February: The White Paper Edition

March: Early Intervention and Prevention

April: Renting and Homelessness

May: From the Frontline

June: Boarding and Rooming Houses

July: Education and Homelessness

August: Homeless Voices

September: Youth Homelessness Conference(s) Edition

October: Homelessness in New South Wales

November: Domestic Violence and Homelessness


February: Human Rights and Homelessness

March: Models of Supportive Housing

April: Responding to Homelessness in South Australia

May: National Homelessness Conference Edition

June: The Green Paper Edition

July: Young People at Risk

August: Meeting the Needs of the Elderly Homeless

September: Homelessness and Children

October: Post Release and Homelessness

November: Victorian Homelessness Conference Edition


February: Youth Homelessness and the Future

March: Health and Homelessness

April: Responding to Primary Homelessness

May: Single Homeless Women

June: Supporting Homeless Families

July: Rooming and Boarding Houses

August: Future Directions for Homelessness Research

September: Mental Health, Housing and Homelessness

October: Responding to Homelessness in New Zealand

November: 20th Anniversary Edition


February: Public Space and Homelessness

March: National Conference Edition

April: Guardianship and Administration, Disability and Homelessness

May: Employment, Unemployment and Homelessness

June: Homelessness in Outer Metropolitan Centres

July: Supporting People with Complex Needs

August: The Future of Homeless Support

September: New Responses to Drugs, Alcohol and Homelessness

October: Homelessness Men

November: Histories of Homelessness


February: Homelessness and Social Exclusion / Inclusion

March: Social Justice Advocacy and the Market

April: Recreation and Homelessness

May: Rethinking Youth Refuges

June: Caravan Parks and Homelessness

July: Rural and Regional Youth Homelessness

August: Persistent Homelessness

September: Dual Diagnosis and Homelessness

October: The Art(s) of Homelessness

November: Homelessness and SAAP Research


February: Homelessness, Human Rights, and the Law

March: Rooming Houses

April: Food Assistance and Food Insecurity

May: Homelessness and Disability

June: New Directions in Program and Service Delivery

July: Homelessness Data

August: Local Government and Homelessness


February: Global Solutions to Homelessness

March: The National Homelessness Conference

April: After De-Institutionalisation

May: Gambling and Homelessness

June: Revisiting Past Release Issues

July: Homelessness and Children

August: New Responses to Young People and Homelessness

September: Comparative Homelessness Strategies

October: Responding to Indigenous Homelessness

November: New Dimensions in responding to Domestic Violence and Homelessness

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Hard copies of Parity cost $15 AUD per copy for existing subscribers / $45 AUD per copy for non-subscribers. Prices include postage.

If you require back editions of more than one title, please complete a new form for every title you require. If you have any questions, or to troubleshoot, please contact parity@chp.org.au.

Parity back edition order form

Parity back edition order form

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