There is a strong commitment within the specialist homelessness sector (SHS) to fully understand the drivers of good outcomes for people without a home, and to find practical ways for this to be measured at individual, program, and population levels.
Goal actions
Actions relating to this goal include:
Build sector understanding of outcome measurement.
Develop a shared sector perspective of preferred outcome measures when introduced to the sector.
Identify outcome measures and data collection processes that are feasible for introduction into the SHS.
Consider consumer, program, service, place-based and population levels of outcomes and how these can inform
better decision making in an outcomes-focused environment.
Training for SHS workforce in outcome measurement.
Goal deliverables
Deliverables relating to this goal include:
Consistent with the CHP Outcomes Position Paper: provide forums to orientate the sector to and build organisational understanding of outcomes measurement, and consult with the SHS about the best methods, metrics and data collection approach for outcomes measurement.
Goal progress
Work has commenced on this goal. Progress includes:
The CHP Future forum on 8 October 2018 included a capacity building session about outcomes for the SHS. Session included consultation about possible approaches for embedding an outcomes framework. SHS members expressed interest in joining a sector working group to progress the sector’s view of implementing outcomes in the sector.
It was determined that DHHS will lead development of the SHS outcomes framework.
CHP engaged Lirata Consulting to undertake complementary sector work and build sector capacity to engage, support and contribute to the development of a DHHS led outcomes framework for the SHS.
The SHS outcomes project has included facilitating a SHS outcomes working group and extensive sector consultations to determine the best methods, metrics and data collection approach for outcomes measurement.
The SHS Outcomes Working Group, comprising cross sector representation and lived experience, has met nine times from 2 April 2019 and had its final meeting 19 November 2019.
Between April and August 2019, 13 sector consults were held. DHHS were also consulted on multiple occassions.
Lirata Consulting completed the draft Consultation report that includes proposed domains and outcomes measures relevant to the work of the SHS.
The report was published and the SHS was actively encouraged to provide final comment and feedback. The consultation phase closed 14 February 2020.
Lirata incorporated sector feedback and a final report was provided to the Victorian Government as an input to their process of developing an outcomes framework for the SHS.
To support sector engagement, all relevant information about the outcomes project, including key documents, is available on the CHP website.