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Goal 3

Promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination

The SHS Transition Plan recognises and supports the principle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination. Consistent with this principle, the Plan recognises the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples being able as a first choice to access Aboriginal services and that these services be resourced to provide appropriate levels of support.

It is acknowledged that further engagement of the Aboriginal sector is required to ensure the goal, related actions and deliverables are fully aligned/consistent with the principal of self-determination and are driven by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector.

Goal actions

Actions relating to this goal include:

In alignment with the principle of self-determination, determine process for developing this goal and related actions
and deliverables.

Apply lens of self-determination to other relevant SHS Transition Plan goals (including: Build a SHS workforce development strategy, Develop workforce pathways, Provide training and development to the SHS).

Build the cultural competency of mainstream SHS agencies.

Goal deliverables

Deliverables relating to this goal are to be determined using the principles of Aboriginal self-determination and autonomy.

Goal progress

Work has commenced on this goal. Progress includes:

A goal of the CSIP developed by VCOSS and DHHS is Embedding Aboriginal self-determination. A key initial strategic action will be to develop a Compact/Agreement between the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled sector and the community services industry.

Rather than duplicate effort or develop alternative processes, CHP will work with VCOSS and DHHS through the Community Services Industry Partnership to action this goal by:

helping to articulate the role of SHS organisations

participating in reference group and working groups

utilising our positive networks with ACCOs delivering homelessness services to keep them informed about the process and any opportunities for engagement

keeping the SHS informed about the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework self-determination principles.

Resources related to this goal

Find resources related to this goal via the following links:

Learn more

Read how CHP is helping to build a path to the sector’s future with the full Specialist Homelessness Sector Transition Plan.

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