This goal focuses on encouraging streamlined access to services and improved integration of service provision, both within the SHS and across allied sectors.
Goal actions
Actions relating to this goal include:
Identify good practice in providing consumers with a seamless experience of SHS service delivery achieving housing outcomes.
Identify good practice approaches to effective assessment, referral and support for consumers within the SHS and across sectors.
Goal deliverables
Deliverable relating to this goal include:
Launch sites are supported to document their findings related to improving consumer pathways.
Local area support networks (LASNs) are supported to further lead service performance improvement at a local level.
Key resources (e.g., Victorian Housing Register) are leveraged to strengthen consumer pathways.
Goal progress
Work has commenced on this goal. Progress includes:
Documenting identified ‘good practice’ and service developments that are practical and immediately achievable and which require longer term strategies for implementation.
Documenting the findings of the Launch sites related to improving consumer pathways.
Documenting the innovative ideas from the Launch sites that aim to improve consumer pathways.
Working with the Regional Homeless Networker coordinators to explore how the LASN strategic priorities and deliverables can be mapped against the SHS Transition Plan goals and deliverables.
The purpose of this work is to support the alignment of the SHS Transition Plan and the LASN Strategic Plans which will in turn support service performance improvement at a local level.