Structured and regular data sharing will help to identify patterns in demand and opportunities for service system improvement within the specialist homelessness sector (SHS).
Goal actions
Actions relating to this goal include:
Make administrative data reports routinely available at worker, team, program, service and LASN level.
Articulate the benefits of sharing data and the opportunities it presents.
Articulate what data should be shared, how often and in what form.
Build workforce capacity to analyse and utilise data.
Share identified data in a structured format which promotes validation and leads to service system improvement.
Goal deliverables
Deliverable relating to this goal include:
Facilitate routine availability of SHIP data reports to worker, team, program, services and LASN level.
Complete consultations with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), government and the SHS on data provision and sharing protocols, and use SHIP Champions Working Group to consider practical implications of consultation findings,
Goal progress
Work has commenced on this goal. Progress includes:
DHHS release quarterly Local Area Service Network data reports via My agency channel of key data from the Homelessness Data Collection. To support the routine availability of SHIP data to worker, team, program, services and LASN level CHP has arranged with DHHS to display the LASN reports on the CHP website.
CHP develops supporting documentation for all DHHS releases of LASN data with new tables and indicators published on the CHP website.
CHP has developed a template and mail merge document to assist networkers to engage with DHHS LASN data.
Using data from AIHW, CHP has produced two spatial maps for Victoria, which look at the number of people accessing services at both the LGA and Victorian LASN levels. Both maps provides detail about the gender, age range and housing situation (homeless or at risk) when a person presented for a service.
CHP is a member of the DHHS Homelessness Reporting Advisory Group, which is tasked with exploring how SHIP data could be better used to report of activity in SHS and support outcome measurement.
CHP has provide significant support to the North and West LASNs and Launch sites with activities such as: data cleaning, data analysis and presenting that analysis at forums.
CHP are members of the AIHW housing and homelessness dashboard Advisory Group and support feedback from the sector and the SHIP Champions informing that work (and CHP reports back to the SHIP Champions about outcomes of meetings).
SHIP Champions continue to meet regularly and have a focus on this goal.
SHIP Champions support sector engagement with the HDC data – for example facilitating analysis of HDC data at LASNs and with service providers.