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Working together to end homelessness in Victoria

Learn more about homelessness in Victoria

MARAM: Take the survey

Since 2018, homelessness services have been required to align their policies and practices to the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework (MARAM) and the Information Sharing Schemes. MARAM prescribes how we respond to incidents of family violence for victim-survivors, children and perpetrators.

To support this alignment, CHP has developed a survey to gain a better understanding of the sector’s current needs. Your feedback will help us understand the progress of implementation and identify opportunities for CHP to support the sector’s alignment with MARAM.  The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Training: Creating healing systems

In the same way individuals can be profoundly impacted by the experience of trauma, organisations and systems also become overwhelmed. And in the same way that individuals can heal and recover from their experiences, whole systems can become safe and calm.
On 8 July, CHP is offering a full day workshop that will make a crucial difference for you and your organisation, helping you understand trauma’s impact on systems and learn how to create healing environments. It’s a unique opportunity to enhance organisational well-being and improve client outcomes.

Victorian 2024-25 Budget snapshot

The Victorian Government released its 2024/25 State Budget on 7 May. In a tight budget across the board, $197 million has been allocated to housing and homelessness over 4 years. It provides critical funding for some frontline services, but much more is needed to respond to the state’s once-in-a-generation homelessness crisis.


Article  /  03.07.2024
Article  /  03.07.2024
Parity article  /  18.06.2024
Parity article  /  18.06.2024
Article  /  17.06.2024
Parity article  /  28.05.2024

SHS Learning Program

The home of learning and development for Victoria’s Specialist Homelessness Sector. Find live training sessions, access eLearning modules, and develop your skills.

Parity magazine

The national publication examining homelessness from personal, local, social and global perspectives. Get access to access to homelessness information and resources not available anywhere else.

Find help

If you are experiencing or at risk of homelessness / call 1800 825 955.

If you are escaping family violence / call Safe Steps on 1800 015 188.

If you are having problems with a homelessness assistance or social housing provider, get in touch with our Homelessness Advocacy Service on 1800 066 256 or email has@chp.org.au.

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