Person-centred models already exist within the specialist homelessness sector (SHS). Building on these will more firmly place consumers at the heart of service delivery decisions.
Goal actions
Actions relating to this goal include:
Document a person-centred practice approach for the specialist homelessness sector (SHS), building on existing SHS resources.
Develop person-centred practice guides, with program logic for appropriate SHS service types and roles.
Goal deliverables
Deliverables relating to this goal include:
Document an SHS person-centred practice approach, building on the established frameworks and other current sector approaches, including the Opening Doors framework, other current sector developments, and organisational approaches to practice.
Undertake sector consultations.
Participate in the VCOSS-led process to develop person-centred principles for practice in the community services sector.
Build SHS person-centred practice approach with principles developed through the process that VCOSS is leading, as part of the Community Services Industry Plan.
Goal progress
This goal has been completed with the publication of CHP’s Person-Centred Practice model guide. The guide was created in consultation with people with lived experience of being without a home, leaders in the SHS Sector and the workforce.
This was created alongside two eLearning modules on the SHS Learning Hub which explain the guide and extract its key learnings in an easy to understand and accessible format.